Call for submission
Transdisciplinary nature of SE:
impact on traditional and novel applications
Systems engineering is recognizing its transdisciplinary nature and impacting both traditional and novel application domains. From aerospace and automotive to medical equipment and smart cities systems engineers are challenged to understand the needs of new stakeholders and bring similar and unprecedented systems into being. CSER was founded by Stevens Institute of Technology and the University of Southern California, and this year the conference is focused on exploring recent trends and advances in systems sciences, digital engineering, formal modeling, sustainability goals, and the convergence of systems engineering with other disciplines. The 19th Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER) invites researchers to submit papers that address how systems engineers can prepare themselves to respond to the challenges posed by 21st century systems.
Conference General Co-chairs (NTNU)
Technical Program Co-chairs

Prof. Torgeir Welo
Dept. Head Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Prof. Annik Magerholm Fet
Deputy Dean, NTNU Ålesund

Prof. Charles Dickerson
Chair Systems Engineering Loughborough University

Prof. Gerrit Muller
Chair Systems Engineering, University Southeastern Norway

December 20, 2021 – Full papers due
January 10, 2021 – Notifications to authors
February 7, 2022 – Final papers submitted
March 24, 2022 – SEANET and Tutorials
March 25-26, 2022 – Conference at NTNU
Conference manager :
Cecilia Haskins,
Suggested Research Topics
The following topic are illustrative and all papers that address the theme are welcome
- SE for New Space
- SE for Medical Sciences
- SE for Smart Cities
- SE for Sustainable Development
- Digital Engineering, Digital Twins
- Digital Transformation
- Industry 4.0 and CPS
- Cybersecurity
- Lean Manufacturing
- Advances in MBSE
- Trust and Autonomous Systems
- Value-based, Lean, Agile Systems Engineering
- Cybersecurity and System Security Engineering
- Uncertainty and Complexity Management
- Systems Architecting for Citizens
- Human-Systems Integration
- Big Data and Analytics
- Cyber-Physical-Social Systems
- Systems/Critical Thinking
- Social Systems Engineering